Girls Ministries is built on a rich heritage that empowers godly women with the tools to effectively disciple girls in their local church. This foundation has remained the same through the generations, though the methods required to reach the different ages changes.
Our curriculum outlines a widely accepted model that leverages recognition for achieving different levels of growth throughout the time spent in the ministry. Many girls and churches love to leverage these tools to show the progress the girls are making during their time in the ministry. These leaders keep discipleship the focus but have a lot of fun showcasing the different achievements of the girls.
Some churches find the girls are far more interested in the relationships with the godly women than they are in receiving recognition for what they have achieved. Though our leader resources provide the roadmap for recognition, church leaders are encourage to modify the approach as they see fit in order to provide a quality discipleship ministry for every girl.
Should your church choose not to recognize girls for their achievements, simply use the discipleship components that are provided and ignore any instructions related to reviews, uniforms, and badges.
Below are some of the amazing ways churches choose to use this curriculum:
- Small Group: Allows for advertising of special interest topics. It also allows an opportunity to delve into one topic, related topics, or treat the group like a traditional club going through each unit's subtopics.
- Sunday School: This setting allows for study and optional charted achievement. This setting can work well when midweek options are not possible
- Ministry Breakout Groups: Use the curriculum as a guide to open discussion and scriptural insight. Treat the activity page or journal work as optional.
- After-School Program: Practical and applicable to un-churched girls, or girls whose schedules work best after school
- Home School Co-Op: This setting provides an opportunity to teach character-building and explore Christian education. This also allows home-schooled girls to enjoy time with other girls that girls in private or public school receive.
- One-on-One Mentoring: An established and defined discussion guide to open doors for mentoring and training.
- Weekend Retreats: Allows leaders to delve into specific topics and invite guest speakers, add fun features, and engage in discussion breakout groups
For a free, current Girls Ministries catalog, call My Healthy Church at 1-855.642.2011.
Visit our online store for easy access to all of our official Girls Clubs products
Due to the flexibility of the Girls Ministries Curriculum, what you need to purchase will differ.
Every sponsor will need:
- the appropriate club-level Sponsor Guide
- Girls Clubs Leader Training Guide
- a subscription to Leaders Email Lists
Every girl will need:
- the appropriate club-level Activity Book or Journal
Every visitor can receive:
- Unit Activity Page or Journal Pages
Evaluate your club's needs and order uniforms, posters, and other Girls Clubs supplies as desired.
If you are choosing to use the curriculum solely for the discipleship components, you can get started with just the individual Sponsor Guides.
What's Online
See what's clicking in Girls Ministries on the go and share your #NGirlsMinistries stories and ideas with other leaders.
Girls Ministries Social Media: Ministry networks where district Girls Ministries directors, Mpact, TGM, and general Girls Ministries leaders can share ideas, resources, encouragement, or simply find a place to connect with other leaders across the country. It will also provide a point of contact with the national Girls Ministries staff and serves as a channel of communication to disseminate NGM information and updates in a timely fashion.
National Girls Ministries Facebook Fan Page
Teen Girl Ministries Facebook Fan Page
National Girls Ministries Pinterest
- Sample Prims Lesson (3 Unit Pack)
- Sample Stars Lesson (3 Unit Pack)
- Sample Friends and Girls Only Lesson
Remember that your girls belong to God & our aim should be to partner with parents, youth ministry, & other ministry that affects your girls to create well-rounded girls who are discipled, growing, & committed to Christ. Keep these things in mind as you work with others in your church to reach your girls.
Communicate: Keep your youth pastor in the loop about girls clubs activities.
Coordinate: Keep youth event dates in mind when planning your calendar. Choose a format (small group, sunday school class, etc.) that works best for your church.
Cooperate: Remember you're on the same team & working toward the same goal. Volunteer to help with youth events or consider using the girls group as a small group for your youth ministry.
As you work together, partner, share resources, & encourage one another, the girls in your community will benefit from your teamwork.
Yes. Girls Clubs is an achievement-based program that utilizes badges and awards as a tool to disciple girls. If the traditional methodology of the curriculum is not feasible in your church, the material can be used solely as a discipleship tool.
A Girls Ministries organizational structure was set in place to facilitate organization, communication, and leadership development for Girls Ministries across the country. The structure is as follows:
- Local Girls Ministries Coordinator
The local Girls Ministries coordinator oversees the Girls Ministries program and sponsors in her church. Sponsors should direct their questions to their coordinator and local coordinators to their sectional representative before contacting the district Girls Ministries coordinator. - Sectional Representatives
Most districts appoint or elect sectional Girls Ministries representatives. They serve as liaison between the district coordinator and the local church. Sectional representatives should direct any Girls Ministries inquiries to their district Girls Ministries coordinator. - District Girls Ministries Coordinators
Most districts appoint or elect a district Girls Ministries coordinator. She works to develop Girls clubs in local churches. She charters local clubs, provides training for sponsors, and offers activities to enhance the growth of Girls Ministries in her district. District Girls Ministries coordinators should contact the national Girls Ministries office with any inquiries. - National Girls Ministries Director
The national Girls Ministries director oversees the continued development of program materials and leadership helps for the district and local coordinators and sponsors.
The following are acceptable legal uses of the Girls Ministries logos by the local church:
Promotions of a dated event on
- Programs
- Bulletins
- Flyers
- Posters
- Newsletters
- Web site (informational purposes only)
Local Girls Ministries leaders may also use the logos on stationery and business cards for professional and personal use. For more information, see the copyright page.
The Review Board should consist of three mature Christian women in your church. These women should not be related to or the sponsor of any of the girls completing the review. The purpose of the board is not to test the girls orally, but to monitor the written test (located in the reproducible pages of the corresponding club Sponsor Guide) and verify completion of the girls’ Activity Books and Journals. The Review Board should grade the reviews at the time they are given, sign the cover page, and return them to the sponsor or coordinator.
The national Girls Ministries Department cooperates with Berean School of the Bible by offering a Church Ministries Diploma in conjunction with the Girls Ministries Leadership Development Certification (MLDC). Students wishing to enroll in the Church Ministries Diploma must complete the MLDC certification with the national Girls Ministries Department and provide a copy of the certificates for their student records before receiving their diploma.
Upon completion of the Church Ministries Diploma, the student should have the academic training necessary for working with the Girls Ministries girls clubs and other children’s and youth programs in the church.
For information contact: Enrollment Services Department, Global University, 1211 S. Glenstone, Springfield, MO 65804 1-800-443-1083.
Girls Ministries chartering is facilitated at the district level. Most districts charter annually and chartering fees vary from district to district. Churches who are not chartered should contact their district Girls Ministries coordinator (DMC) to initiate the process. Many districts offer various incentives to chartered clubs. You will find contact information for your district Girls Ministries coordinator on the District information page.
The annual Theme/Sleepover Packet is the only piece mailed directly to local coordinators from the national Girls Ministries Ministries Department. Packets are usually mailed at the end of June or early July. The packet is also available as a free download on the national Girls Ministries Web site.
The following are guidelines used to generate the national Girls Ministries Theme/Sleepover mailing:
- Assemblies of God churches (that reported using Girls Ministries) on the Annual Church Ministries Report
- Previous church donors to the Coins for Kids project
- Previous church donors to the National Girls Ministries Week offering
- Any AG or non-AG church that purchased items in excess of $10 in the calendar year
Yes, the Assemblies of God makes several resources available to the local church through the legal department. For a detailed list of resources visit the Assemblies of God Legal Matters page. You will find valuable resources pertaining to various aspects of church safety.
Yes, our national policy is that girls can back up to two clubs to complete units for the achievement program. Completion of previous club’s requirements should be done in a supervised club setting, not as a correspondence or independent study project. We ask that girls choosing to do so complete all unit requirements as well as hear each lesson. Our desire is that even when girls go back to complete requirements they receive the discipleship from the program.
We recommend that the church's Girls Ministries coordinator and the club sponsor develop a plan for the unit completion. Sponsors need to work out a schedule so that girls hear/read the lesson and complete all other requirements (memory verse, activity/journal pages, craft/project, and honor steps for Stars).
Girls who complete units from previous club levels will not be eligible to be recognized as an Honor graduate from a particular club in a district event but they may be recognized by their local church. However, they will be eligible for district recognition for earning a Medal of Honor.
Girls who wish to earn the Medals of Honor may complete all the requirements for up to two previous clubs:
- Prims Club
- Daisies Club
- Stars Club
- Prims Club
- Daisies Club
- Friends Club
- Stars Club
- Prims Club
- Girls Only Club
- Friends Club
- Stars Club
Each unit is evaluated individually. An evaluation scale is provided below each one indicating the number of points each blank is worth — 5 or 10 points — for a total of 100 points per unit reviewed.
Friends and Girls Only clubs do not compete with church youth groups in any way. Encourage girls to participate in their youth groups. However, it’s important for the Titus 2 principle — women mentoring girls — to be active in our churches. Friends and Girls Only clubs can meet this need, but meetings can be scheduled at the girls’ convenience, such as a weeknight other than youth group, every other Saturday morning, or Sunday afternoons.
Yes, all units available for any one club can count toward the achievement program. Examples of new units are the Rainbows Year 3 curriculum and the 3-unit packs for all other club levels.
The requirements for Honor Sponsors do not change, specifically the test over unit memory verses. The Honor Sponsor Reviews cover only the units available in the original sponsor guides — Rainbows, 24 units; Daisies, 12 units; Prims, 24 units; Stars, 36 units; Friends, 12 units; Girls Only, 12 units.
Churches that divide their Stars Club as you do should select different units for each group so that sponsors do not teach the same unit two years in a row. For example:
Third grade — *Salvation, *Bible Survey, *The Life of Christ, Women of the OT, Sports, Introduction to Foreign Missions, Family, Music, Latin America & the Caribbean Studies, Citizenship, Esther, Asia Pacific Studies, Water Baptism (new 3-unit pack)
Fourth grade — *The Holy Spirit, *Prayer, *Healing, Home Missions, Fitness, Women of the NT, Puppetry, Making Right Choices, Fruit of the Spirit, Visual Arts, African Studies, Personal Evangelism, Growing (new 3-unit pack)
Fifth grade — *Introduction to Our Church, *Integrity, *End Time Events, Armor of God, Camping, Cooking, Europe & Eurasia Studies, In His Image, First Aid, Friendship, Grooming, Joseph, Holy Communion (new 3-unit pack)
*Three The World of Truth units per year
Rainbows Year 3 curriculum was developed with these children in mind. The 12 Rainbows Year 3 units can be used to supplement the original 24 units or for a club made up only of children who will be in Rainbows for more than two years. Curriculum pieces available are a Rainbows Year 3 Sponsor Guide, Activity Book, and a Memory Verse and Central Truths songs CD.
No. The Friends and Girls Only Clubs as achievement or nonachievement clubs will continue to be available. Curriculum and awards will still be available for purchase through Gospel Publishing House. The broader umbrella name of Teen Girl Ministries allows us to produce options for churches. We want to meet the needs of the churches and girls who are not in an intentional mentoring program that allows godly women to train teen girls within their churches. Churches have the option to choose between the new curriculum and the Friends and Girls Only Clubs, or to try to offer both at different times.
If the Friends and Girls Only Clubs work within a church, then that church should not be expected to change and do away with these clubs within the church. The new curriculum will not be a club format, with accompanying distinctives and national/international involvement. It will simply be a tool that leaders can use as a discussion guide in groups. This may be especially marketable for high school girls, since many churches do not offer mentoring programs for girls of high school age.
Under the previous model, we found that many girls not in Friends and Girls Only Clubs and many churches not using this curriculum were being left out of woman-to-girl Christian mentoring. By expanding to Teen Girl Ministries the national Girls Ministries Department can create great resources through Teen Girl Ministries that can reach out to the adolescent girl, leaders who work with her, and parents raising adolescent girls. Resources beyond Friends and Girls Only Clubs are in the works under the umbrella name of Teen Girl Ministries.
It is at the discretion of the district and the local church to include in the ceremonies and celebrations whichever clubs they choose. This can be determined by the structure of the district or the church. One benefit of including the teen girl clubs in the celebrations with the Mpact Girls Clubs can allow the younger attendees to see the older girls as role models. One benefit of including the teen girl clubs in a separate ceremony is that they will feel that they have moved beyond the younger clubs in a spiritual rite of passage.
A girl who is an Honors Graduate of Friends and Girls Only Clubs may still receive the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals of Honor under Teen Girl Ministries. These awards will not change and are still available to girls pursuing achievement.
The structural changes of Girls Ministries reflect only the national office. We ask that each church honor the name changes; however, each local church is sovereign. Similarly, each district varies in structure. The national office does not wish to dictate the structure of the district or local church. The answer to the question of which pastor should oversee the implementation and teaching of the Friends and Girls Only Club curriculum may simply fall to who feels the most strongly that these clubs should be present in the church.
Friends and Girls Only Clubs are the existing characteristics under Teen Girl Ministries. The first addition in Teen Girl Ministries is through the Web. We are committed to providing resources for parents and leaders through electronic communication. The next phase of expansion is through ministry packets tailored for teen girls similar to the sleepover packets produced for the younger girls. Expanding to Teen Girl Ministries will open doors for additional products to reach teen girls.
Rainbows through Stars will exist under the Mpact Girls Clubs (formerly Missionettes) name. Friends and Girls Only Clubs now fall under the Teen Girl Ministries umbrella name. This change will allow the girls moving from Stars into Friends to reflect that they are moving from the younger girls clubs to the teen girl clubs. This name change alone can reflect a rite of passage for the older girl, as they move into Teen Girl Ministries.